Email Marketing: 5 Ways to Improve Results

Are you looking for ways to improve the results of your email marketing campaign? If you feel like you’re already in over your head, it can be hard to know where to begin. Nevertheless, email marketing’s power cannot be denied, so while it takes effort, the reward is well worth the effort.

Check out these five expert tips for improving your email marketing results if you’re ready to create killer email marketing messages.

  1. Write a Sharper Email.

Remember the last time you opened an email marketing campaign. Did you read it through, or did you click away? The email copy likely played a part in your decision. You need to sharpen your email copy to improve your email marketing results. Consider the following practical tips to improve your email marketing:

  1. Decide which layout to use based on your marketing goals
  2. Adapt the subject of the email to the lead
  3. Be personable when you write
  4. Make it captivating
  5. Create clear call-to-actions
  1. Be Creative with Your Subject Lines

Remember to include your subject line in your copy! The subject line is a critical element for an email marketing campaign to be successful. In the end, subscribers will ignore your emails if they aren’t sufficiently intrigued. How can you create a subject line that performs well? Create effective email subject lines by following these rules:

  1. Keep it short and sweet
  2. Make them personalized
  3. Make action a priority
  4. Customize your copy to reflect your brand’s unique personality

In summary, you don’t need much to make your email subject lines compelling and ultimately have your customers click through. It is a great place to start if you’d like to quickly improve your email marketing results.

3. Segment And Scrub Your Email Lists

Even the most well-crafted email won’t be effective if it is sent to the wrong recipient or at the wrong time. Therefore, you should continually clean and segment your email lists. First, let’s scrub our email lists. To do this, you need to remove inactive subscribers from your list. A few of the benefits include:

  • Decreased spam complaints
  • An increase in open rates and click-through rates
  • Reducing unsubscribe rates
  • It allows you to better direct your attention and resources to subscribers who are truly interested in your message

Let’s now talk about segmenting your email lists. Using segments to segment your lists helps you improve open and click-through rates while decreasing unsubscribes. Additionally, it boosts conversions.

You can send more personalized emails to different subscribers when you segment your email lists. To re-engage subscribers who have not visited your site for a while, you might send them a specialized promotion. For example, you might send a welcome email to new subscribers and an abandoned cart email to subscribers who were nearly to make a purchase.

4. Make Your Emails Mobile-Friendly

Having a mobile-friendly website is important. But did you know you should also make sure your email marketing campaigns are optimized for mobile devices? Research indicates that people open more emails on mobile devices than on desktops. Therefore, if your emails are not mobile-friendly, you may lose opportunities to connect with current and potential customers. It’s not rocket science to make your emails mobile-friendly. To do so, you need to:

  1. Optimizing the load time of images by reducing the file size
  2. Creating emails that are intuitively readable on mobile devices
  3. and optimizing your CTA buttons for touchscreens

5. Email Marketing Campaigns Should Be A/B Tested

Conducting A/B tests on your email campaigns is one of the best tricks for improving email marketing results. As a method of determining which campaigns resonate best with subscribers, A/B testing is likewise known as split testing.

Testing A/B with your email lets, you test virtually every element to determine what should be kept, tweaked, or removed completely. Engagement can be improved by even the smallest changes, such as the images you choose and the text size.

It is possible to test email subject lines, copy (including word order, tone, and personalization), CTAs, emails length, images, links, and styling elements like buttons versus text.

What are the methods you use for A/B testing your email marketing campaigns? Using your email campaign software’s, A/B testing tools is the easiest way to test. Try to avoid common A/B testing pitfalls and follow A/B testing best practices for the best results.

As the tips above show, improving email marketing results is not rocket science. Getting it right takes time, effort, and a bit of creativity. Put these tactics into action right now if you want to reap the benefits of effective email marketing.

Social Media Management: 4 Things to Examine When Choosing an Agency to Assist Your Business

While running a small scale business, it may be easy enough to facilitate all tasks related to the logistics, management, and financial aspects of it. However, once you grow the business to have a few employees and more products and services, the demands increase significantly. With your social media content needing an upgrade, as well as better management services for marketing to continue growing even further, there is no doubt that you’ll want to outsource these. 

When you can worry less about creating content and conducting social media management, you can focus more on the other pressing aspects of growing your business. Although you may be tempted to just outsource work to just any local digital marketing agency, keep in mind that there are things to look for in an agency to produce the best results. Here is our shortlist from the team here at Label & Mint when it comes to choosing the right social media management agency for your business:

They Have A Dedicated Team Of Experts In The Field

While the thought of a specific account manager to handle your designs and posts on social media accounts as a whole sounds like a great thing, it may be good to reconsider. Account managers are great at the management aspect, but it is different when there is a dedicated team ready to come up with great and captivating content. 

Social media management contains too many specific sets of skills to be mastered by only one account manager. This is possible, but it will just be less efficient and effective in the long run. A good agency will have a point of contact with a specific individual handling the management side. They will them disseminate information to the content team who specializes in graphic design and even SEO writing.

They Are Knowledgeable On Your Field Of Work Or Are Willing To Learn More About It

Agencies will often be more knowledgeable in specific areas and not everything as a whole. They may have worked with clients in the same field as your business and succeeded, which means they know and understand the kind of work that needs to be done. 

If they are new to your industry, they will at least make great efforts to study up on the topics and strengths and weaknesses to devise a good plan on how to tackle marketing for you. A good social media management company will make efforts to learn the ins and outs of your business to give you the best possible results. 

They Communicate Well And Efficiently

Social media can change extremely quickly. If you look at apps like Twitter wherein a tweet can be buried in a matter of minutes, you’ll want your management team to be quick to react. Not only that, but you will also want them to be easy to contact in any case of an error or mistake. A good agency will have constant communication with you to address your needs and wants, and it will help if the agency is closer to you, so that you have matching timezones or nearby ones. 

They Have An Expertly Set Up Website And Properly Run Social Media Pages

If you come across a social media management agency that does not invest heavily in their social media accounts and website, this is a major red flag. How can you trust a company that offers social network marketing but does not exhibit signs of their skill?

Browsing a company’s social media accounts will give you an idea of their skills and dedication to the field of marketing. Watch out for how they treat their designs and captions, as these reflect the way their team operates. 


Social media content is one of the most powerful tools in a business toolkit that every single business needs to become big. The world has seen a boom in the use of these platforms and has proven time and time again that they are integral in success. With the millions of agencies out there, utilize this short guide to discover the social media management service that suits your business that best. 

When it comes to social media management services, sign up for our packages at Label & Mint to get top tier assistance in the fields of social platforms and website design. Don’t add extra responsibilities to your already busy schedule and contact us today for our best strategies for your business. 

4 Reasons You Should Post Regularly on Social Media Pages

Social media marketing is one of the best strategies that you can perform in today’s dense business landscape. This is because almost everyone is present online, making marketing and advertising convenient for businesses. Popular platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, have a massive user base that is active every day, which can indirectly help your business’ online presence grow.

Similar to any other types of marketing, social media marketing also needs proper execution and regular maintenance to ensure positive and growing results. Aside from posting high-quality social media content, you should also post regularly.

In this article, we will share four reasons you should practice regular posting on your business’s social media pages:

Reason #1: To increase brand awareness, authority, and loyalty

Social media marketing is relatively cheaper and more convenient when compared to other marketing solutions. Knowing that your potential customers or target audience are already on-site, it makes reaching and connecting with them much quicker. 

Regularly posting can give you long-time benefits that can significantly grow your brand. Not only will it allow you the endless freedom to promote your products and services, but it also helps establish your online presence.

Here are some of the significant benefits of posting regularly on social media pages:

  1. Increased brand awareness: The more you post frequently, the more online users can recognise your brand.
  2. Heightened brand authority: By posting informational social media content, you help your audience perceive you as an authority and expert in your industry.
  3. Improved brand loyalty: When you continually engage with your audience and post informational content, people will eventually trust and commit to your brand.

Reason #2: To improve SEO ranking and conversion rates

Once you have established excellent brand awareness, you can increase your chance of “trending” on various social media sites thanks to your blog, video ad, or visuals. When your content becomes viral online, search engines will recognise and rank it high on the search engine results pages (SERPs), which improves your SEO strategy. The higher you rank, the more people will visit your business’s website.

As a result, regular customers will turn into loyal customers once they have seen your brand’s credibility and authority, increasing your conversion and sales rates eventually.

Reason #3: To attract and retain customers

By posting regularly, you let your audience know that you are “available” online in case they need your response or help regarding your products or services. Because of this, people will feel that you are someone they can trust and rely on. Receiving many positive feedbacks and reviews from your current customers can help retain and attract new customers at the same time.

To help you out, here are effective methods to stay connected with your audience:

  • Reply to their comments on your posts
  • Answer their inquiries promptly
  • Respond to their direct messages
  • Show appreciation to their positive feedbacks or reviews

Reason #4: To deepen market research

One great aspect of social media is it gives you easy and real-time access to your audience’s informational data. As a marketer, you must know who your audience is before you can craft your marketing materials and techniques properly.

Furthermore, when you post regularly, you’ll know what marketing techniques and type of materials work best and tick your target audience. In other words, it gives you real-time results to help you improve your social media management campaigns.


Social media is an excellent platform for digital marketing and advertising campaigns. By regularly posting your social media channels, you significantly increase your brand awareness, authority, and loyalty at an affordable price and a more convenient way. Aside from that, it helps you understand and know your audience to help you craft effective marketing materials.

If you are looking for professional assistance with your social media campaigns, we have got your back. We help businesses in Australia grow their online presence by providing expert social media content services!

5 Genuine Tips for a Successful Social Media Strategy in 2020 – Our Guide

Social media continues to be relevant to marketers in 2020. Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic that continues to grip nations in lockdown all over the world, more and more people are glued to their screens. The audience is more present and engaged today, which is why social media campaigns get more views and conversions. 

Here are five steps to ensure that your social media content reaches the right people in 2020. 

1. Specify your goals 

This is basic in all marketing efforts, but it bears repeating. Your social media content strategy must be working towards a specific set of objectives that serves the overall marketing strategy. 

Think of the following questions: 

  • Do you want to increase engagement? 
  • Is lead generation a focus? 
  • Are you looking to increase your following on a platform or are you trying to drive more traffic to your website as part of your search engine optimisation efforts? 

These are just some of the fundamental questions that must be answered before you can begin any real social media strategy that drives results. Once you have a clearer understanding of your goals, see to it that they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART). SMART goals allow you to draw comprehensive plans and timetables for your content strategy. 

2. Update your customer profile

A good content strategy stays current with the time to ensure relevance. To capture that, you need to understand what factors have caused shifts in your industry and understand how that makes your audience feel. List down both global and local trends that are relevant to your topic. Once you have that down, go back to your customer profile and see how the new contexts have affected your target audience.

3. Mix both current and timeless topics

To ensure that your content engages your customers, you must mix it with topical and timeless content. What factors are affecting your customers? Does the current situation make your products and services more appealing to your customers? How will your product or service improve the lives of your audience? Remember that your product must fill a need and you should be able to communicate that effectively to engage with your audience. 

4. Re-evaluate your social media channels 

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are still incredibly relevant to most social media content strategies. However, you should probably be looking to expand to other platforms if you think that’s where your core demographic is. 

One platform that is quickly rising in terms of active user count in 2020 is TikTok. It boasts 26.5 million monthly active users from the US alone. If you are looking to reach a demographic of 16 and 24, you will want to think about publishing content in TikTok, where 41 per cent of users fit that age group. 

5. Improve the quality of your content

Remember that you are not alone in the social media space. Hundreds, if not thousands, of brands are competing for the same demographics as you. You should be willing to put in significant time and resources to stand out. 

Aside from high-quality blogs and articles, you should be looking to incorporate graphics and video content as well. It is particularly true with mainly social media users, who prefer quick infographics and videos to reading blocks of text, especially if viewed on a small screen. 


Social Media has become even more relevant in 2020 than it was a few years ago. Unlike traditional media, social media continues to evolve with every incremental update, and while it is always important to specify concrete goals, a good social media content strategy leaves room for changes.

We offer the top in the industry social media content services – if you need professional help with your website design, search engine optimisation, and social media content in Australia, let us help you boost your online presence now!

How to Continue Social Media Marketing During COVID-19

The current coronavirus outbreak has significantly changed our usual approaches to social media marketing. For one thing, people’s priorities have shifted dramatically. What used to be important “needs” such as designer clothing and vacation packages are no longer in demand today.

Additionally, the current global landscape has made people worried about the future. With so much uncertainty and confusion around, what might have been considered important information in the past is no longer relevant.

That being said, how exactly can a business owner continue to use social media to effectively promote their brand and serve its customers? The answer is in adopting a new strategy that is based on what’s important these days: health and financial security.

The Market’s Biggest Priorities Today

Any type of marketing requires a deep understanding of the customers’ needs. Today, those are health and financial security for most people. This means that your business has to reflect those concerns in its social media marketing strategies in order to remain competitive.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Your business might not be a part of the healthcare industry, but that doesn’t mean that the effects of the coronavirus don’t apply to you. You need to let your customers know that you are doing your part in contributing to the crisis’ resolution. You do this by highlighting the precautions you have put in place to ensure that your business is minimizing the risks to its employees and customers.
  2. As for financial stability, one way you can keep in line with this is by offering more manageable pricing. You can provide flexible payment terms, discounted rates, or the option for deferred and staggered payments. These will allow your business to continue to serve people’s needs while also lessening the burdens they face.

Now, what do these have to do with social media?

The abovementioned points apply to your social media marketing strategies in the sense that they represent your new approach. You need to be considerate of these things so that the messages you put out on these platforms are relevant to the situation we’re all facing.

If you can incorporate any of the activities listed above into your operation, then make sure you inform your followers about them. Doing so allows your business to remain at the forefront of people’s minds while simultaneously addressing their needs and your own.

But, what if these things don’t apply to my business?

It’s not a hopeless situation even in that case. Another thing many people are looking for is a glimmer of hope in these challenging times. While your business may not be able to fully deliver that on its own, you can publish posts that provide a certain level of optimism for the future.

Spread a message of positivity through your social media pages. Offer people with ways to cope and spend their time productively. Give information something to take their mind off of things even if for a short while. All of these can help keep your brand strong, present, and most importantly, valuable.


As a final word of advice, remember to be sensitive to the situations that your audiences might find themselves in. Show some empathy and be considerate of the fact that not everyone is fortunate enough to continue on. This way, you can continue to maintain your social media presence without hurting your reputation.

We provide top-quality social media management and content services to freelancers and businesses in Australia. Get in touch with us at Label & Mint now!