Label & Mint

Label & Mint

The Importance of Email Marketing In 2022

We learned that plans could change quickly during a pandemic. Tomorrow’s forecast may differ from yesterday. To stay on top of your game, you need to stay on top of the latest trends and projections. It’s not as complicated as you probably think. Digital communication and interaction with customers were a priority for many companies […]

The Secret to Better Deliverability in Email Marketing

Every email subscriber is not the same. It is important to evaluate your email list regularly and delete those that are hurting rather than helping! Despite the difficulty of cleaning up your email list, it is key to achieving healthy deliverability and avoiding spam traps. The most common way to gather information when building a […]

Importance of Email Marketing

Worldwide, the number of people using email is estimated to be at 4.1 Billion by the end of 2021. Some users look at email marketing as an outdated method, but for marketers, it is not. They know how important email is to their overall marketing strategy for an effective way to connect with leads. For […]

Email Marketing: 5 Ways to Improve Results

Are you looking for ways to improve the results of your email marketing campaign? If you feel like you’re already in over your head, it can be hard to know where to begin. Nevertheless, email marketing’s power cannot be denied, so while it takes effort, the reward is well worth the effort. Check out these […]

Email Reaches Its Destination in Five Ways

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Have you ever wondered how your email reaches the recipient in a fraction of a second? We must understand how an email works to avoid bouncing back or achieving the spam folder in this day and age. Here are the 5 ways an email reaches its destination, namely the recipient’s inbox. Sending an email […]

Shoppers Abandoning Carts: Solutions That Can Help

eCommerce revenue is lost each year due to shopping cart abandonment, which accounts for an estimate of $4.6 trillion. An online shopper abandons their shopping cart (or basket) when they add items to their cart but leaves the site before they can complete the transaction. Overall industries, 75% of cart abandonments occur – that means […]

The Best Way To Increase Email Engagement And Subscribers

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Marketers track the number of metrics to track the success of their emails, but email engagement and subscribers are undoubtedly the most important ones. According to 78% of marketers, engagement has increased significantly over the past year. In addition to that, a recent study finds that emails are 40 times more effective than social media […]

Mastering the Art of Personalised Email

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Your business to succeed relies on many things, one of which shouldn’t be overlooked is your marketing efforts. It’s essential to understand why and how to get the most benefit from email marketing personalisation. Using email marketing personalisation software allows companies to develop the best strategies and achieve the best results. It takes more […]

Customer Experience: How to Deliver an Outstanding Service

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]What constitutes a good customer experience? The term “customer experience” is thrown around a lot, but what does it mean? Let’s look at five qualities that define it. Today’s customer interactions are more diverse, spanning channels, devices, and time zones. Customers may see an ad, browse a company’s website, read products and reviews, and then […]

How to Use Social Media for Small Business

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Haven’t we all been there wearing multiple hats while growing our small businesses, knowing that those extra hours and all-nighters will give us the success we’re aiming for? I understand the pressure and stress that every new business owner feels when they’re starting a new venture because I was once a new business owner too. […]